Obama Inspires

January 29, 2008 at 1:37 pm 11 comments

Barack Obama’s campaign for the presidency has inspired a revival of the political poster.

Shepard Fairey



Entry filed under: 2008 Election, Art, Barack Obama, Campaigns, Democrats, Liberals, Media, Politics, Pop Culture. Tags: , , , .

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11 Comments Add your own

  • 1. austin4hillary  |  January 29, 2008 at 7:13 pm

    I’m sorry but Obama just doesnt have enough experience.

  • 2. jwazzz  |  January 29, 2008 at 8:00 pm

    If that were the litmus test, then the only people qualified for the job would be Jimmy Carter, Bushes I&II and BILL Clinton – not Hillary. That whole experience argument is ridiculous. This is Obama’s year.

  • 3. austin4hillary  |  January 29, 2008 at 8:09 pm

    OK the point being he doesnt have experience. Besides Clintonhas anidea how to run the White House she saw Bill do it. Bill would be there to help if she needed it.

  • 4. Dan (Fitness)  |  January 30, 2008 at 1:01 am

    Shouldn’t that say “Hope”? He’s the JFK candidate.

    austin4hillary, are we voting Bill in again? Hillary’s experience in elected office has yielded one of the most compromising and weak Senators on the field today. Why vote for that experience over Obama’s, who has as much experience as a public official, and has a record of standing up and fighting?

  • 5. Jim Pickett  |  January 30, 2008 at 7:13 pm

    The “experience” yardstick would also have shut out Lincoln… C’mon – Obama is smart enough to assemble a kick-ass team to get to work on DAY ONE. The idea that a President needs to know everything and be experienced in everything is just false. A President needs to be intelligent, curious, interested and a good leader – all of these things Obama has. It is his year indeed! And America will finally turn the corner with him in the White House .

  • 6. Jim Pickett  |  January 30, 2008 at 7:16 pm

    Oh, and sorry, I do not want to vote for Billary. If Billary ends up getting the nomination – you will all wake up to President McCain. There is no way in HELL those two are going to get elected. The Republicans are droolling, giggling, and masturbating over the idea of running against those two.

    If for no other good reason (and there are many…)

    OBAMA has to be our guy.

  • 7. austin4hillary  |  January 30, 2008 at 7:51 pm

    We dont (as of right now) need to stand and fight. We need someone who expresses their lans. Just about every news organization has daid Clinton does this better, Dan (fitness)

  • 8. austin4hillary  |  January 30, 2008 at 8:01 pm

    Obama may be smart however Obama doesnt have experience in the White House. As far as “Bilary” goes
    Hillary and Bill have different stands on issues. Have you watched ANY debates?!
    P.S. Jim if you have any questions visit my site(Austin4Hillary.wordpress.com)

  • 9. Jim Pickett  |  January 31, 2008 at 6:01 am

    I have watched the debates, thanks. And I am not interested in a two-for-one package. Not interested in the same ole same ole same ole. It’s clear that with her, that would be what we get.


    We had hubbie in the White House for 8 years – was he really so great? Hmmmmm, let me see if I can remember all the great things he did…

    And why does anyone think Hillary will be so great – even if she is actually electable? And even if Billy is locked out?

    Why being First Lady in the White House or Arkansas counts as experience as an elected official is absolutely beyond me. Cuz it doesn’t Blanche, it doesn’t count.

    But again, “experience” is not my only way of measuring a candidate’s fitness. I want someone who inspires me, who motivates me to do good, to do better. Who will turn the page for our country, domestically and internationally. Obama can do this. HillBilly will be taking us back (at least) two steps instead of advancing.

    Sorry, not interested. And like I said before, her nomination will, once again, allow us to lose the White House.

    President Obama!

  • 10. Michael Crawford  |  January 31, 2008 at 8:34 am


    Have you watched any of the debates? Bill and Hillary are campaigning as a duo and that should be pointed out.

    It should also be pointed out that Bill’s behavior in the last few weeks has been harmful to the Democratic Party. He did not just advocate for his wife’s candidacy. He went on the attack against another Democratic candidate and knowingly spread falsehoods. As the former president, he is the titular head of the Democratic Party. He should do better than trying to tear down another Democratic candidate.

  • 11. austin4hillary  |  January 31, 2008 at 8:25 pm

    Obama may be able to speak. America doesnt need someone who can speak but cant act. The debate issue was not what I meant to say. Obama doesnt really state what he will do for healthcare,Iraq.ect..Does he have plans yes . He just says what he believes and did rather than what he needs to do.I’m watching the debate now. True Bill’s behavior wasnt great but he is definatly slowing down.
    Before you answer go to my site and leave a comment (Austin4Hillary.wordpress.com)


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