LGBT Latinos for Obama

February 29, 2008 at 10:59 am 2 comments

My blogger buddy Andres Duque creator of Blabbeando has tipped me off to something wonderful. A group of prominent Latino GLBT activists have issued an open letter explaining their support for Barack Obama’s candidacy for the presidency. The list of signatories includes actor Wilson Cruz and political powerhouse/blogger Gloria Nieto.

Here is an excerpt:

An Open Letter to the Latino LGBT community:

Like many of you out there, we are thrilled at the opportunity to bring meaningful and lasting change to the White House by exercising our right to vote during this historic presidential election.

As LGBT Latinos and Latinas who happen to be immigrants or descendants from immigrant families we are sick and tired of seeing our lives and values be misrepresented by those who seek to drive wedges in our communities as a means to split our vote and gain power through division.

We saw it when the right wing used same-sex marriage to rile up the conservative vote for President George W. Bush and we are seeing it again with immigration being blamed as the source for all the nation’s ills.

We know that these are the politics of fear and that those same politics only served to elect one of the worst presidents in US history.

This is why we believe that, in this presidential election, there is one clear choice.


Click to read the full version of An Open Letter to the LGBT Latino/a Community.

Entry filed under: 2008 Election, Barack Obama, LGBT, Liberals, Politics, Race. Tags: , , , .

Hillary Clinton Plays the Politics of Fear Ellen DeGeneres Remembers Murdered Gay Teen

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. chadnnocal  |  March 4, 2008 at 5:07 pm

    Are we supposed to be influenced by this list? I don’t know or care about any of these people. I guess the message we are supposed to be recieving is that we should follow them? Why? What have they done? I didn’t get the same check they got from the Obama campaign.

  • 2. Michael Crawford  |  March 4, 2008 at 7:29 pm

    Sorry chadnnocal. You didn’t get a check from the Obama campaign because there were no checks. Andres and the growing number of GLBT Latino/as supporting Barack are doing so because they believe that he is the best candidate for the presidency.

    One thing though, if those of you supporting Clinton were less bitter and doing more to advocate for a positive agenda for her versus trying to tear down Obama and the enthusiasm that many of us have for rebuilding our country, you might be making more progress.


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