Posts filed under ‘Campaigns’

Sarah Palin Unleashed

You gotta love that Sarah Palin.

Rather than acknowledge that voters wanted something more than stunt casting out of a vice-presidential candidate, Palin goes on the attack against the “liberal media elites and anonymous bloggers” and blames them for the disastrous campaign that she and John McCain ran.

Democrats everywhere have to be celebrating that Sarah Palin is now unleashed.

Rather than acknowledge that voters wanted something more than stunt casting out of a vice-presidential candidate, Palin continues her meme that it was media bias particularly Katie Couric and Tina Fey that doomed her candidacy for the vice-presidency.

When asked about her incoherent interview with Couric Palin says “Couric is not the center of the universe.”

Palin even claims that if she had run as a “reformer” on the “Democrat ticket,” we would have a seen a different and “prettier profile of Sarah Palin and the Palin family.”

Sorry Sarah, but unlike the McCain and the Republican Party, Barack Obama and the Democrats would never have made the embarrassingly cynical choice of having you on a presidential ticket.

January 9, 2009 at 6:56 am 3 comments

More Sour Grapes From McCain

You would think that after Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama citing the negative tone of the GOP, that John McCain would lay off the sour grapes. And, you would be wrong.

Check out this hostile interview between McCain and Chris Wallace of Fox News. Yes, McCain is now on the offensive against Republican Party-loving Fox News.

McCain is defending the slanderous robo-calls that his campaign is using to attack Sen. Obama. How bad are these robo-calls? Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine is asking McCain to stop running the calls in her state.

October 19, 2008 at 12:31 pm 18 comments

Show Your Hometown Pride

With little more than two weeks before election day, now is the time to pull out your little black book and contact everyone in it about Barack Obama.

Thumbnail image for Hometown Pride Logo.jpgThis election is the most important in at least a generation and for LGBT Americans it is even more crucial. We have the chance to play deciding role in electing the most pro-LGBT president in history. And, the difference between Sen. Obama and John McCain could not be clearer.

Allowing McCain to be elected as president would four more years of the kind of anti-LGBT policies that we got from George Bush. Electing Sen. Obama has president opens up the definite chance for us to finally pass an inclusive ENDA and the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act, to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and to finally develop a national AIDS strategy.


October 18, 2008 at 1:00 pm Leave a comment

The LGBT Case for Barack Obama

There has never been a presidential nominee from either political party that is as supportive of LGBT civil rights as Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee. He has long fought for civil and equal rights for minorities including the LGBT community. And, in the presidential campaign, Sen. Obama has included LGBT Americans numerous times in his speeches.

After the jump is a list of Sen. Obama’s positions on LGBT issues.


October 18, 2008 at 9:57 am Leave a comment

No Way. No How. No McCain/Palin.

Cross-posted at LGBT for Obama

A couple of days ago I wrote that gays won’t let their friends vote McCain and with less than four weeks before election day that message has taken on an increased urgency. This post the second is a series that I am writing urging LGBT people to talk to our family, friends and co-workers about why a vote for John McCain is a vote for discrimination against LGBT Americans.

John McCain and Sarah Palin have unleash a wave of negative attacks in speeches and ads against Barack Obama and our fight to change our country for the better. They have, as a New York Times editorial stated, moved “into the dark territory of race-baiting and xenophobia.”

What makes you think that if elected they will not turn that same mean-spiritedness and willingness to engage in divisive politics against us?


October 9, 2008 at 1:00 pm 3 comments

Gays Won’t Let Friends Vote McCain

Just as friends don’t let friends drive drunk, we should declare right here, right now that as LGBT people we won’t let our friends vote McCain. At least not without a fight.

If you think I am overstating the importance of this, watch this video by the Human Rights Campaign on McCain’s long record of opposition to LGBT equality.

I understand that voting is a personal thing, but it is critical that we let our friends, family and co-workers know how much a McCain/Palin administration would hurt us and our families.


October 7, 2008 at 11:36 am 7 comments

McCain Strategy: Attack, Attack, Attack

Its lines like this that make me more than a little gay for Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos:

Many people will warn against “getting complacent”. I like to approach this potential problem differently — we have a chance to rip out the GOP’s jugular. We can throw them an anvil. We can kick them while they’re down. No matter the metaphor, the underlying meaning remains — we can destroy the Republicans. Now’s not the time to slack, it’s the time to pick things up. We’ve got them in a near rout. Let’s destroy them.


October 6, 2008 at 9:00 am 1 comment

Is Sarah Palin George Bush in Drag?

I don’t mean to offend drag queens when I ask that question, but look at this video from Progress Accountability and see for yourself.


October 4, 2008 at 7:00 am 7 comments

Vote as if Your Life Depended on It

Cross-posted at LGBT for Obama

In many states the voter registration deadline is rapidly. Don’t be left out. The race between Barack Obama and John McCain is in a virtual dead heat. But, when it comes to LGBT civil rights, they are as different as night and day: Obama supports LGBT people being treated equally under the law while McCain has opposed every pro-LGBT piece of legislation that has come his way.

Go to Vote for Change to register to vote, request to vote absentee or find your polling location.

September 23, 2008 at 7:00 am Leave a comment

Black Voters Not to Blame if Proposition 8 Passes

A troubling New York Times article on Proposition 8, the proposed California anti-marriage constitutional amendment, asserts that some marriage supporters are concerned that strong support for Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential candidacy among Black voters may spell trouble for efforts to defeat the proposal to take away marriage rights for same-sex couples.

Mr. Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee, is against the measure. But opponents of the proposed ban worry that many black voters, enthused by Mr. Obama’s candidacy but traditionally conservative on issues involving homosexuality, could pour into voting stations in record numbers to punch the Obama ticket — and then cast a vote for Proposition 8.

“It’s a Catch-22,” said Andrea Shorter, the campaign director of And Marriage for All, a coalition of gay and civil rights groups that recently started what it calls an education campaign around the state, focusing on blacks and framing the issue of same-sex marriage as one of civil rights.

While the possibility that some African-American voters may oppose our fight for equality seems to have caught some white LGBT activists by surprise, it seems that the proponents of marriage discrimination have anticipated this opportunity to capitalize on homophobia among some in the Black and Latino communities.


September 21, 2008 at 7:00 am 8 comments

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